Review Text Features With Your Students Using This Poster Activity

I love game-ifying my classroom, don’t you? Not only do my students enjoy the activities - I do, too! (As long as there are no behavior issues, that is.)

I wanted a more interesting way to review text features with my students than with my school’s lesson plans said, so I found a way for them to do it that would get them moving, working together, involved in great conversations, and best of all - having FUN!

Keep reading if you want to learn more about what I did with my kids to review text features!

Materials Needed:

  • Magazines you are willing to get destroyed

  • Scissors

  • Glue

  • Chart paper

  • Pencils and/or markers

  • Text features chart for students to refer back to (to help them remember what each text feature looks like)

  • A way to group your students (I did 5 groups personally). Consider downloading my partner cards to do this.

  • A way to time your students (optional)

Step One:

Make sure your kids know what the different text features are. Of course.

I did this as a cumulative activity, after already discussing different text features. I also let my students use their journal to refer back to, as we had glued an anchor chart of different types of text features inside it. (I found mine through Googling when I initially did this activity, but I would like to make one to have available to download in the future).

Step Two:

Get lots of magazines for your students to search through. My school has a subscription to Scholastic, so I used these! These were perfect, as they had some amazing examples of text features all throughout.

Step Three:

Put up anchor charts around the room labeled with all the text features you want the students to find. I had 5 posters total because I wanted my students to work in 5 different groups. I did this so they would have some guidance.

Note: I didn’t choose ALL the text features we had discussed because I felt like it would be a tad too difficult for my particular group of students, but you can pick and choose, of course, with your students.

Step Four:

Give each group of students a stack of magazines to search through, as well as glue and scissors. Have them search through the magazine and cut out the text feature they find. I told my students they had to find at least 3 examples of each; however, you can change this number to whatever best suits the needs of your students.

Each group had a person in charge of glueing so that they all wouldn’t be up at one time, causing chaos. They handed the glue person the cut-out and that person would go and glue the text feature onto the correct part of the poster.

Step Five:

Celebrate your success! I kept these text features posters up and often refer to them when discussing non-fiction. You could consider doing the same! I think it’s been a helpful tool so far.

Have fun!

If you try this activity, I would ✨LOVE✨ to see pictures of you and your kids in action! Tag me on TikTok or Instagram! My handle is @teachandachieve on both platforms.

Questions, comments, or concerns? Drop any of those below and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Until next time!

-Aimee ♡


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